p201.jpg p200 _ -chap- _ toc-1 _ p201w _ toc-2 _ +chap+ _ p202
----- {{abyssp201.jpg}} || inefficiency 201 ||

shaking up of the workers from top to bottom
would result; and when equilibrium had been re
stored, the number of the inefficients at the bot
tom of the Abyss would have been increased by
hundreds of thousands. On the other hand, condi
tions remaining constant and all the workers doub
ling their efficiency, there would still be as many
inefficients, though each inefficient were twice as
capable as he had been and more capable than
many of the efficients had previously been.

When there are more men to work than there is
work for men to do, just as many men as are in
excess of work will be inefficients, and as ineffi
cients they are doomed to lingering and painful
destruction. It shall be the aim of future chapters
to show, by their work and manner of living, not
only how the inefficients are weeded out and de
stroyed, but to show how inefficients are being
constantly and wantonly created by the forces of
industrial society as it exists to-day.


p200 _ -chap- _ toc-1 _ p201w _ toc-2 _ +chap+ _ p202




