Rose Otway ran up to her room and locked the
door. She had fled there to read her first love-letter.
@@@@"My Darling Rose, -- This is only to tell you that I
@@@@love you. I have been writing letters to you in my
@@@@heart ever since I went away. But this is the first moment
@@@@I have been able to put one down on paper.
@@@@Father and mother never leave me -- that sounds absurd,
@@@@but it's true. If father isn't there, then mother is.
@@@@Mother comes into my room after I am in bed, and
@@@@tucks me up, just as she used to do when I was a little
@@@@"It's a great rush, for what I have so longed for is
@@@@going to happen, so you must not be surprised if you
@@@@do not have another letter from me for some time. But
@@@@you will know, my darling love, that I am thinking of
@@@@you all the time. I am so happy, Rose -- I feel as if
@@@@God has given me everything I ever wanted all at once.
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"Your own devoted
And then there was a funny little postscript, which
made her smile through her tears: "You will think
this letter all my -- 'I.' But that doesn't really matter
now, as you and I are one!"
Rose soon learnt her first love-letter by heart. She
made a little silk envelope for it, and wore it on her
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