"Well, if you feel in that way, there is nothing more
to be said. You will either stay with your present lady,
or you will have to go to the Pollits."
She looked up at him quickly; she was surprised that
he remembered her daughter's married name, but it
had slipped off his tongue quite easily.
"Never will I do that!" she exclaimed.
"Then you had better arrange to stop here. There
are plenty of people in Witanbury who would be only
too glad to have such an excellent help as you are,
Frau Bauer."
"I shall not be compelled to look out for a new situation,"
she said quickly. "My young lady would never
allow that -- neither would Mrs. Otway!"
But even so, poor Anna felt disturbed -- disturbed
and terribly disheartened. The money she had saved
was her own money! She could not understand by
what right the British Government could prevent her
taking it with her. It was this money alone that would
ensure a welcome from the Warshauers. Willi and
Minna could not be expected to want her unless she
brought with her enough, not only to feed herself, but
to give them a little help in these hard times. But soon
she began to feel more cheerful. Mrs. Otway and the
Dean would surely obtain permission for her to take
her money back to Germany. It was a great deal of
money -- over three hundred pounds altogether.
Within an hour of her return to the Trellis House
Anna heard the fly which had been ordered to meet
Mrs. Otway at the station drive into the Close. For
the first time, the very first time in over eighteen years,
Anna did not long to welcome her two ladies home.
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