described, then the real danger, I argued, is not that copyrighted material
would be uncontrolled: the real danger is that copyrighted material would
be _too_perfectly_ controlled. That the technologies that were possible and
that were being deployed would give content owners more control over
copyrighted material than the law of copyright ever intended.
This is precisely what we have seen in the past two years, but with a twist
that I never expected. Content providers have been eager to deploy code to
protect content; that much I and others expected. But now, not only Con-
gress but also the courts have been doubly eager to back up their protections
with law.
This part I didn't predict. And indeed, in light of _Reno_ v. _ACLU,_ one
would be justified in not predicting it. If parents must go slowly before de-
manding that the law protect their kids, why would we expect Hollywood to
get expedited service?
The answer to that question is best left until after we have surveyed the
field. So consider the work of the courts, legislatures, and code writers in
their crusade to expand the protections for a kind of "property" called IP.
/tab\/tab\INCREASING CONTROL/tab\/tab\
In dorm rooms around the country, there are taped copies of old LPs.
Taped to the windows, there are posters of rock stars. Books borrowed from
friends are on the shelves in some of these rooms. Photocopies of class ma-
terial, or chapters from assigned texts, are strewn across the floor. In some of
these rooms, _fans_ live; they have lyrics to favorite songs scribbled on
notepads; they may have pictures of favorite cartoon characters pinned to
the wall. Their computer may have icons based on characters from _The_
The content in these dorm rooms is being used without direct compen-
sation to the original creator. No doubt, no permission was granted for the
taping of the LPs. Posters displayed to the public are not displayed with the
permission of the poster producers. Books may have been purchased, but
there was no contract forbidding passing them to other friends. Photocopy-
ing goes on without anyone knowing what gets copied. The lyrics from
songs copied down from a recording are not copied with the permission of
the original author. Cartoon characters, the exclusive right of their authors,
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