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----- {{llfoip204.png}} || Lawrence Lessig ||

Why? For the same reasons we've been tracking throughout this book.

____ Private land... is far more useful if separated from other private land by
____ public streets, roads and highways. Public parks, utility rights-of-way and
____ sewers reduce the amount of land in private hands, but vastly enhance the
____ value of the property that remains.[11-55]

The state must therefore find a balance, and this balance will be struck
between overly strong and overly weak protection.

____ Overprotecting intellectual property is as harmful as underprotecting it.
____ Creativity is impossible without a rich public domain.[11-56]

But is that unfair? Is it unfair that someone gets to profit off the ideas of
someone else? Says Kozinski, No.

____ Intellectual property law assures authors the right to their original expres-
____ sion, but encourages others to build freely on the ideas that underlie it.
____ This result is neither unfair nor unfortunate: It is the means by which in-
____ tellectual property law advances the progress of science and art. We give
____ authors certain exclusive rights, but in exchange we get a richer public do-
____ main.[11-57]

This balance reflects something important about this kind of creativity:
that it is always building on something else.

____ Nothing today, likely nothing since we tamed fire, is genuinely new: Cul-
____ ture, like science and technology, grows by accretion, each new creator
____ building on the works of those who came before. Overprotection stifles the
____ very creative forces it's supposed to nurture.[11-58]

This balance is necessary, Kozinski insists, "to maintain a free environ-
ment in which creative genius can flourish."[11-59] Not because "flourish[ing]"
innovation is the darling of the Left, but because innovation and creativity
were the ideals of our founding republic.


My story so far has been about copyright and, indirectly, its cousin, trade-
mark law.[11-60] I have argued that these two bodies of rights will together be


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