p017.jpg p016 _ -chap- _ toc-1 _ p017w _ toc-2 _ +chap+ _ p018
----- {{mabiep017.jpg}} || Material and Method ||

ways quality of knowledge; it is
never an extension of ourselves by
additions from without, it is always
enlargement of ourselves by develop-
ment from within; it is never some-
thing acquired, it is always some-
thing possessed; it is never a result
of accumulation, it is always a result
of growth. That which characterises
the man of culture is not the extent
of his information, but the quality
of his mind; it is not the mass of
things he knows, but the sanity, the
ripeness, the soundness of his nature.
A man may have great knowledge
and remain uncultivated; a man may
have comparatively limited knowl-
edge and be genuinely cultivated.
There have been famous scholars
who have remained crude, unripe,
inharmonious in their intellectual
life, and there have been men of


p016 _ -chap- _ toc-1 _ p017w _ toc-2 _ +chap+ _ p018




