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----- {{mabiep025.jpg}} || Time and Place ||

men give to unplanned and desultory
reading of books and newspapers an
amount of time which, if intelligently
and thoughtfully given to the best
books, would secure, in the long
run, the best fruits of culture.

There is no magic about this
process of enriching one's self by
absorbing the best books; it is
simply a matter of sound habits
patiently formed and persistently
kept up. Making the most of one's
time is the first of these habits; uti-
lising the spare hours, the unem-
ployed minutes, no less than those
longer periods which the more fortu-
nate enjoy. To "take time by the
forelock" in this way, however,
one must have his book at hand
when the precious minute arrives.
There must be no fumbling for the
right volume; no waste of time


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