p029.jpg p028 _ -chap- _ toc-1 _ p029w _ toc-2 _ +chap+ _ p030
----- {{mabiep029.jpg}} || Time and Place ||

The man who is bent on getting
the most out of life in order that he
may make his own nature rich and
productive will learn to free himself
largely from dependence on condi-
tions. The power of concentration
which issues from a resolute purpose,
and is confirmed by habits formed to
give that purpose effectiveness, is of
more value than undisturbed hours
and the solitude of a library; it is of
more value because it takes the place
of things which cannot always be at
command. To learn how to treat
the odds and ends of hours so that
they constitute, for practical pur-
poses, an unbroken duration of time,
is to emancipate one's self from de-
pendence on particular times, and to
appropriate all time to one's use; and
in like manner to accustom one's self
to make use of all places, however


p028 _ -chap- _ toc-1 _ p029w _ toc-2 _ +chap+ _ p030




