peculiarly searching influence flowing
from one who graciously put himself
on my level of intelligence, but I felt
also an impulse to emulate a nature
which satisfied my imagination com-
pletely. Other men of ability whose
conversation I heard filled me with
admiration; this man made the world
larger and richer to my boyish thought.
There was no didacticism on his part;
there was, on the contrary, a simplicity
so great that I felt entirely at home
with him; but he was so thoroughly
a citizen of the world that I caught
a glimpse of the world in his most
casual talk. I got a sense of the
largeness and richness of life from
him. I did not know what it was
which laid such hold on my mind,
but I saw later that it was the remark-
able culture of the man, -- a culture
made possible by many fortunate con-
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