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----- {{mabiep162.jpg}} || Breadth of Life ||

vard are the ultimate habit and speech
of the race, as in that of the man who
accepts the manners of the mining
camp as the finalities of human inter-
course. Culture is not an accident
of birth, although surroundings re-
tard or advance it; it is always a
matter of individual education.

This education finds no richer ma-
terial than that which is contained in
literature; for the characteristic of lit-
erature, as of all the arts, is its uni-
versality of interest, its elevation of
taste, its disclosure of ideas, its con-
stant appeal to the highest in the
reader by its revelation of the highest
in the writer. Many of the noblest
works of literature are intensely local
in colour, atmosphere, material, and
allusion; but in every case that which
is of universal interest is touched,
evoked, and expressed. The artist


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