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----- {{mabiep177.jpg}} || Freshness of Feeling ||

world, incapable of production along
spiritual or artistic lines. Now, the
artist is always a child in the eager-
ness of his spirit and the freshness of
his feeling; he retains the magical
power of seeing things habitually, and
still seeing them freshly. Mr. Lowell
was walking with a friend along a
country road when they came upon a
large building which bore the inscrip-
tion, "Home for Incurable Children."
"They'll take me there some day,"
was the half-humorous comment of a
sensitive man, to whom life brought
great sorrows, but who retained to the
very end a youthful buoyancy, cour-
age, and faculty of finding delight in
common things.

It is a significant fact that the great-
est men and women never lose the
qualities which are commonly associ-
ated with youth, -- freshness of feeling,


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