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----- {{mabiep191.jpg}} || Liberation from One's Time ||

sive that we cannot trace them, and
so numerous and tenacious that we
cannot sever them; it is but a frag-
ment of a whole immeasurably greater
than itself; its character is so com-
pletely determined by the past that
the most radical changes we can make
in it are essentially superficial; for it
is the future, not the present, which
is in our hands. To get even a
glimpse of the character and meaning
of our own time, we must, therefore,
see it in relation to all time; to mas-
ter it in any sense we must set it in its
true historical relations. That which
to the uneducated mind seems porten-
tous is lightly regarded by the mind
which sees the apparently isolated
event in a true historic perspective;
while the occurrence or condition
which is barely noticed by the un-
trained, seen in the same perspective,


p190 _ -chap- _ toc-1 _ p191w _ toc-2 _ +chap+ _ p192




