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----- {{mabiep212.jpg}} || The Unconscious Element ||

may also absorb and make his own.
When Alfred de Musset, in an oft-@
repeated phrase, said that it takes a
great deal of life to make a little art,
he was not only affirming the reality
of this process of passing experience
through consciousness into the un-
conscious side of a man's nature, but
he was also hinting at one of the
greatest resources of pleasure and
growth. For time and life continu-
ally enrich the man who has learned
the secret of turning experience
and observation into knowledge and
power. It is a secret in the sense in
which every vital process is a secret;
but it is not a trick, a skill, or a
method which may be communicated
in a formula. Mrs. Ward describes
a character in one of her stories as
having passed through a great culture
into a great simplicity of nature; in


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