p215.jpg p214 _ -chap- _ toc-1 _ p215w _ toc-2 _ +chap+ _ p216
----- {{mabiep215.jpg}} || The Unconscious Element ||

And it is necessary, in the second
place, to make this practice habitual;
when it becomes habitual, it will be-
come largely unconscious: one does
it by instinct rather than by delibera-
tion. This process is illustrated in
every successful attempt to master
any art. In the art of speaking, for
instance, the beginner is hampered
by an embarrassing consciousness of
his hands, feet, speech; he cannot
forget himself and surrender himself
to his thought or his emotion; he
dare not trust himself. He must,
therefore, train himself through mind,
voice, and body; he must submit to
constant and long-sustained practice,
thinking out point by point what he
shall say and how he shall say it.
This process is, at the start, partly
mechanical; in the nature of things it
must be entirely within the view and


p214 _ -chap- _ toc-1 _ p215w _ toc-2 _ +chap+ _ p216




