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----- {{mabiep221.jpg}} || The Teaching of Tragedy ||

must not be inferred that a man is
either craven or cowardly because he
does not break from the circle in
which he finds himself and make a
bold and picturesque rush for free-
dom; it may be that freedom is to
be won for him in the silent and
faithful doing of the work which lies
next him; it is certain that the high-
est power and the noblest freedom
are secured, not by the submission
which fears to fight, but by that
which accepts the discipline for the
sake of the mastery which is con-
ditioned upon it.

There are, however, conditions
which no man can control, and which
are in their nature essentially tragic;
and men and women who are in-
volved in these conditions cannot
elude a fate for which they are not
responsible and from which they can-


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