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----- {{mabiep243.jpg}} || Culture through Action ||

the possibilities which lie sleeping
in the individual life, and the tragic
events which are set in motion when
those possibilities are realised in
action. In both epic and drama
men are seen, not in their subjective
moods, but in their objective strug-
gles; not in the detachment of the
life of speculation and imagination,
but in vital association and relation
with society in its order and institu-
tions. With many differences, both
of spirit and form, the epic and the
drama are at one in portraying men
in that ultimate and decisive stage
which determines individual char-
acter and gives history its direction
and significance.

And it is from men in action that
much of the deepest truth concern-
ing life and character has come; in-
deed, it is not until we pass out of


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