p254.jpg p253 _ -chap- _ toc-1 _ p254w _ toc-2 _ +chap+ _ p255
----- {{mabiep254.jpg}} || The Interpretation of Idealism ||

luminous statement he condensed
the faith and practice not only of
the greater artists of every age, but
of the greater thinkers as well. In
the order of life there can be no real
break between things as they now ex-
ist and things as they will exist in
the remotest future; the future can-
not contradict the present, nor falsify
it; for the future must be the realisa-
tion of the full possibilities of the
present. The present is related to it
as the seed is related to the flower and
fruit in which its development cul-
minates. There are vast changes of
form and dimension between the seed
and the tree hanging ripe with fruit,
but there is no contradiction between
the germ and its final unfolding.

A rigid Realism, however, sees in
the seed nothing but its present hard-
ness, littleness, ugliness; a true and


p253 _ -chap- _ toc-1 _ p254w _ toc-2 _ +chap+ _ p255




