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----- {{mabiep258.jpg}} || The Interpretation of Idealism ||

makes all the greater writers Idealists
in the fundamental if not in the tech-
nical sense. Tolstoi has often been
called a Realist by those who are
eager to label everything and every-
body succinctly; but Tolstoi is one
of the representative Idealists of his
time, and his "Master and Man" is
one of the most touching and sincere
bits of true Idealism which has been
given the world for many a day.

There is nothing which needs such
constant reinforcement as this faculty
of seeing things in their totality; for
we are largely at the mercy of the
hour unless we invoke the aid of the
imagination to set the appearances of
the moment in their large relations.
To the man who sees things as they
rush like a stream before him, there is
no order, progression, or intelligent
movement in human affairs; but to


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