p344.png p343 _ -chap- _ toc-1 _ p344w _ toc-2 _ +chap+ _ p345
----- {{myantp344.png}} || My Antonia ||

confidence; walked them up and down in the
moonlight, telling them what a mistake he
had made by not entering the office branch
of the service, and how much better fitted he
was to fill the post of General Passenger
Agent in Denver than the roughshod man
who then bore that title. His unappreciated
worth was the tender secret Larry shared
with his sweethearts, and he was always able
to make some foolish heart ache over it.

As I drew near home that morning, I saw
Mrs. Harling out in her yard, digging round
her mountain-ash tree. It was a dry summer,
and she had now no boy to help her. Charley
was off in his battleship, cruising somewhere
on the Caribbean sea. I turned in at the gate
-- it was with a feeling of pleasure that I
opened and shut that gate in those days; I
liked the feel of it under my hand. I took
the spade away from Mrs. Harling, and while
I loosened the earth around the tree, she sat
down on the steps and talked about the oriole
family that had a nest in its branches.

"Mrs. Harling," I said presently, "I wish
I could find out exactly how Antonia's mar-
riage fell through."

"Why don't you go out and see your grand-


p343 _ -chap- _ toc-1 _ p344w _ toc-2 _ +chap+ _ p345






comment: Just perfick, hun! Fabulous image, just-right pepars and the doodled edges look so good!If you can't have a lie-in on a rainy Bank Holiday, when can you have a lie-in? That's what I say, at least!Hugs! Mags B xx
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comment: Anon>>The difference is that this is but one plrtofam to air your views. Do not equate it to state-centric censorship, which is institutionalised erosion of expression vis-a-vis a particular agenda. >>Every plrtofam (including TOC and this blog I manage) has a particular agenda. You mean TOC is a direction-less, no agenda site?>>Moderation keeps plrtofams alive and encourages more views to pour forth, which would not have come forth if there were an antagonistic fire brewing all the time.>>But, but, didn't proponents of freedom of speech say that moderation (which is also censorship) stifles views?Now you say moderation (which is also censorship) keeps plrtofams alive?Didn't I tell you so? That freedom of speech cuts both ways? ==== Link from >>This blogger equates a web site moderating comments, to government censoring of speech and the freedom of speech.The difference is, to any intelligent people, obvious. When a web site refuses to publish your comment, you can go elsewhere and shout all you want. You can write in other blogs, forums, or newspapers. You can even set up your own blogs or, if you are rich enough and live in a country free enough, your own newspaper or television station.But when the government 'moderates' you, you will most likely be fined and end up in jail. You will not be allowed to say what you want to say anywhere. And in some regimes, you may even be killed.This blogger's rant is an insult to people all over the world fighting for freedom of speech and freedom of expression.>> The point is not whether one is jailed or simply barred. It is also not whether you can go to another site to shout, or can't go to another site to shout.The point is that freedom of speech is a double edged sword. If you allow total freedom, inevitably, there will be some views that will come to pass, such that the site admin will not be comfortable with.But then, every site admin has its own tolerance level , isn't it?What makes religion bashing an expression of speech and not hate? What makes gay bashing an expression of speech and not hate?Isn't freedom of speech a subjective view?
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