we have the good of them. My man worked
in the orange groves in Florida, and he knows
all about grafting. There ain't one of our
neighbors has an orchard that bears like
In the middle of the orchard we came upon
a grape-arbor, with seats built along the sides
and a warped plank table. The three children
were waiting for us there. They looked up at
me bashfully and made some request of their
"They want me to tell you how the teacher
has the school picnic here every year. These
don't go to school yet, so they think it's all
like the picnic."
After I had admired the arbor sufficiently,
the youngsters ran away to an open place
where there was a rough jungle of French
pinks, and squatted down among them, crawl-
ing about and measuring with a string. "Jan
wants to bury his dog there," Antonia ex-
plained. "I had to tell him he could. He's
kind of like Nina Harling; you remember how
hard she used to take little things? He has
funny notions, like her."
We sat down and watched them. Antonia
leaned her elbows on the table. There was the
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