Gilder favors innovation and change over state-supported monopolies.
His aim is to push policies that would open up the resources of spectrum to
the widest range of innovators. A spectrum commons would do just this. Just
as the Internet did, it would open up a resource for the common use of a
wide range of innovators. These many innovators would experiment with
ways of using the network that none of us could now imagine. They would
fuel a second and possibly far more important wave of innovation than the
initial wave of the Internet that we have seen so far.
Liberating spectrum from the control of government is an important
first step to innovation in spectrum use. On this point there is broad agree-
ment, from those who push for a spectrum commons to those, like Hazlett,
who push for a fully propertized spectrum market. All agree that the only
thing that government-controlled spectrum has produced is an easy oppor-
tunity for the old to protect themselves against the new. Innovation moves
too slowly when it must constantly ask permission from politically con-
trolled agencies. The solution is to eliminate the need to ask permission, by
removing these controllers at least.
Liberating spectrum from the control of the market is a second and much
more controversial step. Hazlett and others insist that the rationing of a mar-
ket is necessary, both to avoid overuse and to provide a sufficient incentive
to improve spectrum efficiency. A spectrum commons will invite tragedy
too quickly.
For the moment, we can defer resolving the differences between these
two positions, to emphasize their common view: Both want a world where
the power of controllers to stifle innovation has been eliminated. Both
agree that government control over spectrum is simply a way for the old to
protect themselves against the new. Both therefore push for a radical change
in spectrum management policies, to free innovators from the need to
please politicians before they have the right to innovate.
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