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----- {{llfoip335.png}} || Index ||


____ competition in, 173
____ granting of, 13-14, 20
access fees, 20, 138
adaptations, creative, 8
Adobe Corporation, 208
advertising, 7
"ah-ha" technologies, 130
AIM, in instant messaging, 27
AirPort technology, 81, 172, 224-225
____ patents on, 207-208
____ peer-to-peer querying, 137
Allman, Eric, 56
altruism, 13
Amateur Radio Service (ARS), 225, 244
Amazon.com,132-133, 167, 169, 211
Amnesty International, 184
Andreessen, Marc, 265-266
Antheil, George, 79
anticircumvention program, 187-190
anticommons, 214-215
antitrust laws, 67, 110
AOL (America Online), 162-168
____ access vs. control in, 163-166
____ and competition, 167, 267
____ and copyright law, 183
____ early days of, 147-148, 162-163
____ and Internet, 7, 163, 165
____ Time Warner merger with, 7, 164-166, 267
____ wires of, 163-164
Apache server, 55-56, 60, 69-70, 71
Apple Computer:
____ AirPort technology of, 81, 172, 224-225
____ and DVD movies, 189
____ GUI interface of, 63
____ iMac computer of, 124
____ Macintosh computers of, 27-28, 42, 63, 66
____ Mac OS, 60-61, 63, 90-91
____ and PC design, 159
____ "rip, mix, burn" ad of, 9, 10, 11
____ and unknown applications, 90-91
AppleScript language, 58
____ changes in, 140
____ as choice, 37
____ code of, 35, 113
____ of communication systems, 112-114, 232-233
____ control via, 34, 151, 176
____ in cyberspace, 120-121, 140
____ for distribution, 119
____ freedom of, 35
____ importance of, 35
____ and innovation, 35-36, 92, 139, 140, 162
____ of Internet, 7, 15, 16, 23, 35-37, 40, 44, 119, 135, 140, 210, 238, 264


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