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----- {{llfoip336.png}} || Index ||

architecture (_cont'd_):
____ as physical constraint, 120
____ politics of, 35
____ of the Web, 169, 170
Armstrong, C. Michael, 154
ARS (Amateur Radio Service), 225, 244
____ code layer in, 111-112
____ content layer in, 105-107
____ control in, 107-110
____ copyright law applied to, 3
____ creativity in, 104-112, 200
____ digital, 8-9
____ physical layer in, 110-111
asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) systems, 149
____ as Bell system, 27
____ breakup of, 45, 53, 149
____ cable of, 153-154, 164-165, 241
____ in Canada, 164
____ compensation system of, 30
____ and competition, 28-29, 32-33, 37-38, 62, 158, 226
____ in computing business, 53
____ consent decree with government (1956), 51-52
____ and FCC, 27, 30, 81, 221
____ and foreign attachments rule, 30
____ and Internet, 154
____ Kingsbury Commitment of, 28-29
____ and monopoly power, 28, 29, 30, 32, 148
____ in open access movement, 164, 165
____ permissible businesses of, 45
____ shareholder obligations of, 32
____ smart network of, 38
____ and telephone system, 24, 26-34, 44, 62
____ and Unix operating system, 51-52, 53
____ and unknown applications, 90
@Home, 154, 158
Atkinson, Bill, 42
ATM (asynchronous transfer mode) systems, 149
auction sites, 169
audio changes, MP3, 123-124
Audio Home Recording Act, 181

Baby Bells, 149
backbone providers, 157
Bagdikian, Ben, 117
Baldwin, Carliss, 92
band managers, 221
____ broadening of, 229
____ infinite, 47
____ overuse of, 138
____ pricing system for allocation of, 47
Bank, David, 66, 67
Bar, Francois 158-159
Baran, Paul, 26-27, 29-32, 33-34, 267
_Batman_Forever_ (film), 4
Beam-it, 129, 192
Behlendorf, Brian, 56
Bell companies:
____ as Baby Bells, 149
____ DSL used by, 155
____ lines leased by, 45
____ patents held by, 27
____ regulated to be open, 155, 248
____ regulation model for, 149
____ services unbundled by, 149, 248
____ _see_also_ AT&T
Bell Labs:
____ innovations channeled through, 30
____ innovative spirit of, 176
____ inventions of, 29, 38
____ and Unix operating system, 51-52
Bender, James, 182-183
Benkler, Yochai, layer concept of, 23-25, 103, 104, 113, 167, 238, 240
Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND), 56
Berlin, Irving, 107
Berners-Lee, Tim, 37, 40, 41-44, 134,166, 213
BestBookBuys, 169
Bezos, Jeff, 211
Bidder's Edge, 169, 170-171
BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), 56
Bingaman, Anne, 64
"Bluetooth" protocols, 81
Boies, David, 196
____ banning of, 184
____ copyright protection of, 215
____ HTML, 122-123, 196-199
____ sales of, 211
Boston Common, 19, 21


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