____ in copyright, 180-183
____ spiders and, 169-171
Bradner, Scott, 89
_Brief_History_of_the_Future,_A_ (Naughton), 32
____ AOL and, 163-164
____ cable, _see_ cable broadband
____ in Canada, 249
____ competition in, 173, 248
____ control of ISPs in, 246
____ emerging technology of, 159, 161, 175
____ faster downstream than upstream, 159
____ FCC and, 159, 164
____ markets in, 159
____ open access for, 164, 165, 168
broadcasting, _see_ radio spectrum; television
Brotz, Douglas, 208
Brown, John Seely, 235-236
browsers, 41, 43, 134
BSD Unix, 53, 67
Buchanan, James, 214, 215
bugs, in code, 61
bundling behavior, 66
bureaucratization, 140-141
Burk, Dan, 170
Bush, Vannevar, 42
business methods:
____ patents on, 207, 208-209, 210
____ software-implemented, 208-209
cable broadband, 151-154, 166-168
____ building control into, 156-158, 168
____ and Communications Act, 155
____ and competition, 161-162, 167
____ and DOCSIS standard, 153-154
____ and FCC, 151-152
____ incentives to build, 174
____ and Internet, 153-154, 155-158, 167
____ and streaming video, 156-157, 158
____ and TCP/IP, 248
____ two-way communication on, 153-154
Cable Labs, 153
cable television:
____ advertising on, 7
____ broadcasts on, 111
____ CATV, 151
____ concentrated ownership of, 117, 159, 173
____ creative rights in, 109
____ development of, 151
____ distribution of, 119
____ as end-to-end system, 151
____ incentives for, 151-152
____ layers of, 24
____ licensing of, 201
____ monopoly control of, 152, 153
____ pricing of, 153
____ satellite TV and, 153
caches, 136-137
____ free TV in, 190-191
____ open access in, 164, 192, 249
Carlton, Jim, 90-91
_Carterfone_ decision, 148
CATV, 151
CBS, and spectrum allocation, 74
CDDB (culture databases), 124-126
censorware, 184, 186-187
CERN labs, 41, 42-44
Charmed Technologies, 81-82
children, protection of, 178-179, 184, 200
China Online, 191
chip fabricators, 70
Christensen, Clay, 89, 91, 92, 139-140, 146, 210
Cisco technologies, 156, 158
Clark, David, 34, 37, 38
Clark, Kim, 92
Coase, Ronald, 12, 75, 114, 126, 221
COBOL (programming language), 51
____ anticircumvention program and, 187-190
____ bugs in, 61
____ changes in, 140-141, 179
____ commons of, 49-50, 53, 55, 57, 138
____ compiled, 50, 253
____ as content, 50
____ content production in, 11, 53, 58-60, 67
____ derived from open code, 55, 59, 60
____ encryption cracked by, 190
____ fair use of, 188, 190
____ forking of, 52, 67-68
____ hard-wired, 50-51
____ hidden, 58
____ incentives to build, 68-69, 71
____ as law of cyberspace, 35
____ licensing of, 59-60
____ limits on, 256-257
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