code (_cont'd_):
____ as logical layer, _see_ code layer
____ nature of, 35-36, 50
____ object, 50
____ openness of, 52-54, 55-57, 59-60, 61, 67-69, 71-72, 210, 247, 253
____ performative, 57-58
____ source, 50, 60, 67, 72
code layer, 23-25
____ in the arts, 111-112
____ changes to, 246-249
____ closing of, 217, 238
____ in commerce, 112-114
____ end-to-end at, 58
____ innovation commons at, 85, 103, 138, 167, 175
____ of Internet, 48, 49-50, 56, 138, 161
____ neutral platforms of, 72, 246-249
____ of the Web, 57, 85
_Code_and_Other_Laws_of_Cyberspace_ (Lessig), 35, 140, 179, 238
Cohen, Julie, 257
Cohen Theorem, 257
Cold War, 12, 13
command line interface, 62, 63
____ censorship in, 186-187
____ changes in policy of, 165
____ code layer in, 112-114
____ competition in, 114-115
____ creativity in, 112-119
____ of the different, 112
____ economics and, 115
____ innovation in, 6, 10
____ markets in, 114-115
____ vertical integration in, 165-166
commercial radio, 74
commons, 19-23
____ access fees for use of, 20, 138
____ anticommons vs., 214-215
____ built on control layer, 176
____ of code, 49-50, 53, 55, 57, 138
____ coexistence of open and closed, 93-94
____ contributing back to, 97
____ as default, 228-229
____ determinants of, 21
____ freedom of, 15
____ as free resource, 19-21, 44, 69, 86-99
____ idea of, 15
____ innovation of, _see_ innovation commons
____ inverse, 68
____ of knowledge, 49, 55, 57-58
____ market linked to, 138, 228
____ norms for control of, 96
____ peer-to-peer innovations in, 137-138
____ rebuilding of, 255-256
____ as resource for decentralized innovation, 85
____ state intervention in, 228
____ tragedy of, 22, 23, 48, 168
____ undermining technology added to, 48
____ value of, 87-88, 93, 173
Communications Act (1934), 74
____ on "cable services" (Title VI), 155
____ on telecommunications services (Title II), 155
Communications Decency Act (1996), 178-179
communications systems:
____ architecture of, 112-114, 232-233
____ on computers, 112-114
____ layers of, 23-25
____ organizational models for, 167
____ security of, 26-34
____ spectrum, _see_ spectrum
____ two-way, 153-154
____ wireless, 74-75
____ wires of, 88
____ as built by noise, 133
____ CATV, 151
____ connectivity within, 80
____ monopoly power over, 87, 216
____ networks built by, 162
____ on-line, 162-163
____ overconsumption regulated by, 22
____ relationship of resource to, 21
____ spectrum of, 223-224
____ town square in, 87
compensation without control, 201-202
compression technology, 123
compulsory licensing right, 109, 201, 255
CompuServe, 147-148
computer-communication systems, architecture of, 112-114
____ ad hoc supercomputers, 136
____ applications run on, 36-37, 88
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