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----- {{mabiep070.jpg}} || The Feeling for Literature ||

they express themselves through its
forms as naturally as the tree puts
forth its flowers. Nothing which lies
within the range of human achieve-
ment is more real or inevitable.
This expression is neither mechanical
nor artificial; it is made under certain
inflexible laws, but they are the laws
of the human spirit, not the rules of
a craft; they are rooted in that deeper
psychology which deals with man as
an organic whole and not as a bundle
of separate faculties.

It was once pointed out to Tenny-
son that he had scrupulously con-
formed, in a certain poem, to a number
of rules of versification and to certain
principles in the use of different sound
values. "Yes," answered the poet in
substance, "I carefully observed all
those rules and was entirely uncon-
scious of them!" There was no


p069 _ -chap- _ toc-1 _ p070w _ toc-2 _ +chap+ _ p071




