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----- {{mabiep071.jpg}} || The Feeling for Literature ||

contradiction between the Laureate's
practice of his craft and the technical
rules which govern it. The poet's
instinct kept him in harmony with
those essential and vital principles of
language of which the formal rules
are simply didactic statements.

Art, it need hardly be said, is never
artifice; intelligence and calculation
enter into the work of the artist, but
in the last analysis it is the free and
noble expression of his own personal-
ity. It expresses what is deepest and
most significant in him, and expresses
it in a final rather than a provisional
form. The secret of the reality and
power of art lies in the fact that it is
the culmination and summing up of
a process of observation, experience,
and feeling; it is the deposit of what-
ever is richest and most enduring in
the life of a man or a race. It is


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