p186.jpg p185 _ -chap- _ toc-1 _ p186w _ toc-2 _ +chap+ _ p187
----- {{mabiep186.jpg}} || Liberation from One's Time ||

relationship is so essential to the
complete unfolding of the person-
ality that he who falls below the full
measure of his capacity for experi-
ence and for expression falls below
the full measure of his possible
growth. Life is not, as some men
of detached moods or purely critical
temper have assumed, a spectacle
of which the secret can be mastered
without sharing in the movement;
it is rather a drama, the splendour
of whose expression and the depth
of whose meaning are revealed to
those alone who share in the action.
To stand aside from the vital move-
ment and study life in a purely
critical spirit is to miss the deeper
education which is involved in the
vital process, and to lose the funda-
mental revelation which is slowly
and painfully disclosed to those


p185 _ -chap- _ toc-1 _ p186w _ toc-2 _ +chap+ _ p187




