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----- {{mabiep187.jpg}} || Liberation from One's Time ||

whose minds and hearts are open
to receive it. No one can under-
stand love who has not loved and
been loved; no one can compre-
hend sorrow who has not had the
companionship of sorrow. The ex-
periment has been made in many
forms, but no one has yet been
nourished by the fruit of the tree
of knowledge who has eaten of that
fruit alone. In the art of living,
as in all the arts which illustrate
and enrich living, the amateur and
the dilettante have no real position;
they never attain to that mastery
of knowledge or of execution which
alone give reality to a man's life or
work. Mastery in any art comes
to those only who give themselves
without reservation or stint to their
task; mastery in the supreme art of
living is within reach of those only


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