p188.jpg p187 _ -chap- _ toc-1 _ p188w _ toc-2 _ +chap+ _ p189
----- {{mabiep188.jpg}} || Liberation from One's Time ||

who live completely in every faculty
and relation.

To stand in the closest and most
vital relation to one's time is, there-
fore, the first condition of compre-
hending one's age and getting from it
what it has to give. But while a man
must be in and with his time in the
most vital sense, he must not be
wholly of it. To get the vital en-
richment which flows from identifica-
tion with one's age, and at the same
time to get the detachment which en-
ables one to see his time in true rela-
tion to all time, is one of the problems
which requires the highest wisdom
for its solution. It is easy to become
entirely absorbed in one's age, or it is
easy to detach one's self from it, and
study it in a cold and critical temper;
but to get its warmth and vitality and
escape its narrowing and limiting in-


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