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----- {{mabiep230.jpg}} || The Culture Element in Fiction ||

cause they spring out of that which
is deepest and most distinctive in hu-
man nature. A host of men never
give these higher impulses, these spir-
itual aptitudes and possibilities, full
play; but they are in all men, and all
men recognise them and crave an ex-
pression of them. Nothing is truer,
on the lowest and most practical plane,
than the old declaration that men do
not live by bread alone; they some-
times exist on bread, because nothing
better is to be had at the moment;
but they live only in the full and free
play of all their activities, in the com-
plete expression not only of what is
most pressing in interest and impor-
tance at a given time, but of that which
is potential and possible at all times.

The novel of romance and adven-
ture has had a long history, and the
elements of which it is compounded


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