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----- {{mabiep231.jpg}} || The Culture Element in Fiction ||

are recognisable long before they took
the form of fiction. Two figures ap-
pear and reappear in the mythology
of every poetic people, -- the hero and
the wanderer; the man who achieves
and the man who experiences; the
man who masters life by superiority
of soul or body, and the man who
masters it by completeness of knowl-
edge. It is interesting and pathetic
to find how universally these two fig-
ures held the attention and stirred the
hearts of primitive men; how infi-
nitely varied are their tasks, their perils,
and their vicissitudes. They wear so
many guises, they bear so many
names, they travel so far and compass
so much experience that it is impos-
sible, in any interpretation of mythol-
ogy, to escape the conviction that
they were the dominant types in the
thought of the myth-makers. And


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