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Epstein, Richard, 170
essential volunteerism, 56
Ethernet, 77-78, 231
European Union, 64
exclusivity, 116, 128

fair use:
____ reverse engineering and, 185
____ rights of, 105, 108, 181, 188, 190, 254
____ VCR and, 195
Fanning, Shawn, 130
Fano, Robert, 42, 112-114
fat pipes, 151-153
Faulhaber, Gerald, 176
Federal Communications Commission (FCC):
____ and AT&T, 27, 30, 81, 221
____ and broadband, 159, 164
____ and cable, 151-152
____ and future of technology, 263
____ and spectrum, 74, 75, 80-81, 218-221, 223-227, 244, 246
Federal Radio Commission (FRC), 73
Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 166
Feely, Pat, 234
Ferguson, Warren, 195, 196
fiber optic cable, 245
fiber optic technology, 29, 47
File Synchronization, 60-61, 66
film industry:
____ concentrated ownership in, 117
____ copyright law applied to, 3-4, 11, 200
____ digital technology in, 9, 235
____ distribution in, 119, 234
____ DVD disks and, 188-190, 256
____ education and, 235-236
____ lawyers in control of, 4-5, 11
____ production costs in, 8, 124
____ and VCR, 195
filtering, 157, 184
Firefly, 133
firewalls, 172-173
First Amendment:
____ and code layer, 112, 190
____ Congress restricted by, 187
____ copyrights as immune from, 198, 264
____ free speech in, 116, 197-198, 224
____ protest under, 93
_First_Year,_The_ (film), 3
foreign attachments rule, 30
forking, 52, 67-68
Fourneaux, Henri, 108
Fox Studios, 181, 182
Frankfurter, Felix, 74-75
Franklin Benjamin, 206
FRC (Federal Radio Commission), 73
free, meanings of the word, 11, 12, 15, 20
free culture, 9-10
____ in the architecture, 35
____ vs. communism, 12, 13
____ in computer world, 52
____ as constitutional question, 11
____ at content layer, 50
____ vs. control, 14-15, 97, 139
____ as enhancing the social value of the controlled, 48
____ of the press, 197
____ of speech, 116, 140, 178-179, 184, 197-198, 224
____ to tinker, 61, 68
Free Software Foundation, 12, 53-54, 59
Frost, Robert, 197
FTC (Federal Trade Commission), 166

Gates, Bill, 62-67, 206, 214
Gaynor, Mark, 89
General Public License (GPL), 44, 54, 59-60, 97, 185-186
geography, constraint of, 114
Gilder, George, 47-48, 83-84, 227-228, 232
Gilmore, John, 265
Gingrich, Newt, 118
GNU C Compiler (GCC), 54
GNU/Linux OS, 54-55, 56, 57, 60, 62, 69
GNU OS, 53-54
Gnutella, 137, 138
Goldsmith, Jack, 192
_Gone_with_the_Wind_ (Mitchell), 198-199
Gopher, 43
____ avoiding control by, 80-81
____ commons created by, 45, 155
____ control of, 14, 92, 93
____ exclusive rights granted by, 7
____ in open IP service, 176
____ phone companies regulated by, 27, 30, 45, 81, 148, 161, 221
____ spectrum controlled by, 73-76, 79-81, 83, 232, 246, 255


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