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----- {{llfoip341.png}} || Index ||

dark fiber, 245
____ balance of power changed by, 128, 133
____ and code layer, 138
____ different classes of, 46-147
____ real space costs of, 138
Davies, Donald, 31
DeCSS, 187-190
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 242
Defense Communication Agency (DCA), 33-34
Defense Department, U.S., 27, 30, 32, 44, 79
____ blocked transactions in, 93
____ centralization as opposed to, 112
____ free resources in, 12-13, 92-93
derivative works, 8, 106-107, 123, 198-199
DES (digital encryption standard)-encrypted message, 136
design evolution, 92
_Devil's_Advocate,_The_ (film), 4
Dickinson, Q. Todd, 210, 211
digital age, 14
Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (DMCA), 187, 188, 190
Digital Research, 62
digital subscriber line (DSL), 154-155, 161-162, 248
digital technology:
____ competition in, 201
____ compulsory licensing rights to, 109
____ in content layer, 23, 120-121
____ for copying, 98
____ falling costs of, 8, 235
____ in film industry, 9, 235
____ music processor, 8-9, 96
____ potential of, 7, 9
____ for telecommunications, 31
DirecTV, 153
discovery vs. creation, 106
discrimination, technologies for, 173
disk drive industry, 90
Disney Corporation, 234
distributed.net, 136
distributed processing, 136
distributed technology, 136
____ architecture for, 119
____ of content, 238
____ costs of, 7, 126, 138
____ of media, 119, 234
____ models of, 7
____ of music, 119, 123-124, 127-129, 131, 200-202
____ new means of, 126-129
DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 1998), 187, 188, 190
DOCSIS standard, 153-154, 161-162
Dormant Commerce Clause, 114
DOS (disk operating system), 62-66
DR-DOS, 62, 63, 64, 65
DSL (digital subscriber line), 154-155, 161-162, 248
Dunkin' Donuts, 182
DVD disks, 188-190, 256

Easterbrook, Frank, 186
eBay, 169-171
economics, and scarcity, 103, 115
_Economist,_The,_ 206
Edelman, Ben, 191
education, and filmmaking, 235-236
efficiency, 92
802.11b protocol, 81
Einstein, Albert, 12, 13, 14, 20, 21
Eldred, Eric, 122-123, 196-199, 202, 264, 265
Eldritch Press, 123
electricity grid, as end-to-end, 39
Electronic Frontier Foundation, 196
Emacs, 54
e-mail, 10
EMI Publishing, 183
encryption systems, 188-190
end-to-end (e2e) argument, 34-39, 88-89
____ central control disabled in, 40, 167-168
____ compromises to, 172-173
____ consequences of, 41-44, 48, 58
____ costs of, 46
____ design choice of, 121
____ on different layer, 45-46
____ discrimination in, 173
____ importance of, 91
____ and innovation commons, 36-37, 40-41, 48, 58, 147, 156, 210, 238-239
____ intelligence in, 149
____ neutral network of, 58, 61, 161
Enlightenment, 94, 95


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