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____ noncommercial broadcasting, 109
____ smart, 78
____ software-defined, 242
Radio Act (1912), 73
Radio Act (1927), 73
radio spectrum, 218-226
____ allocation of, 74, 218-221, 227, 229, 233
____ amateur use of, 225
____ AM stations, 242
____ community-owned, 223-224
____ concentrated ownership of, 117, 159
____ FCC and, 74, 218-221, 223-227, 244, 246
____ FM stations, 223-225, 232
____ and freedom of speech, 224
____ nature of, 73-75
____ as property, 225-226, 229
____ social value in, 227
____ technical interference with, 225
____ transmission on, 79
____ _see_also_ spectrum
radio waves, 73
Randall, Alice, 198-199, 202
Rand Corporation, 26
rap music, 9
Raymond, Eric, 68
RCA, 234
Real Audio, 127
real options theory, 89
real space, 15
____ barriers to innovation in, 120, 138
____ vs. cyberspace, 103-4, 121, 181, 182
____ friction of, 181, 183
____ law of, 181, 199
____ media in, 132
Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), 130, 192-196, 200, 215
recordings, _see_ music
Red Hat, 213
Reed David P., 34, 35, 37, 38, 39-40, 77, 90
regulator, and target for influence, 74
relativity, Einstein's theory of, 12, 14, 20, 21
_Reno_ v. _ACLU,_ 179, 180, 265
____ access to, 13-14
____ clear use of, 89
____ community relationships to, 21
____ depletion of, 21-22, 95, 96-97
____ as foundation to participation in society, 93
____ free vs. controlled, 11-15, 22, 44, 47, 48, 69, 71, 86-99, 156, 228
____ incentive for production of, 14, 71, 95
____ "in common," 19-21, 86-99
____ privatization of, 227, 244
____ production costs of, 13
____ protocols for sharing of, 97
____ real cost of, 120
____ recreational, 20
____ rivalrous vs. nonrivalrous, 21, 87, 95-97, 115-116
____ scarcity of, 75
____ state vs. market control of, 12, 75-76, 228
____ unfair capture of, 87
____ unknown applications of, 88-89
____ unused, 230
____ value of, 87-88
RFC 1958, 36-37, 40
Rheingold, Howard, 136
RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America), 130, 192-196, 200, 215
Ritchie, Dennis, 51-52, 55
rivalrous resources:
____ depletion of, 21-22
____ nature of, 21, 95, 115-116
____ need for control of, 95, 115
Road Runner, 154
roads, _see_ highways
Robertson, Michael, 127-128, 133, 201
Rose, Carol, 13, 20, 86, 87-88, 96
Rosen, Hilary, 200, 215
RSA Labs, 136
Rubinfeld, Daniel, 166
rules, control via, 151

Saltzer, Jerome, 34, 37, 38, 156
satellite TV, 153
____ and control, 47
____ economics of, 103, 115
search engines, 137
"sendmail," 56
____ centralized, 131
____ competition among, 82
____ open code projects, 56
____ patches to, 55-56
____ restrictions on, 157
____ use of term, 55


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