Microsoft (_cont'd_):
____ monopoly position of, 64, 65, 66-67
____ MSN of, 183
____ on open code values, 57
____ and software patents, 206, 214
____ and Windows, 28, 62-66
Minix, 54
Mitchell, Margaret, 198-199
mobile devices, connections of PCs and, 81
modularity, 92
____ antitrust laws and, 67
____ and AT&T, 28, 29, 30, 32, 148
____ benefits of, 29, 30, 175
____ and cable television, 152, 153
____ centralized control of innovation in, 32
____ in closed societies, 250
____ control built into, 32, 175
____ as exclusive right, 58
____ of a malevolent giant, 91-92
____ and Microsoft, 64, 65, 66-67
____ power over the community in, 87, 216
____ state-backed, 71, 205-7, 211, 212, 215-216, 242, 250
Moody, Glyn, 56
Motion Picture Association, 185
Mouse, Mickey, 107
MP3, 123-124, 125, 192-194, 201
____, 127-129, 133, 192
____ Napster and, 130-132, 194-195
MS-DOS, 62, 63, 64, 65
MSN, 183
MUDs (multi-user domains), 163
Mueller, Milton, 28
Murphy, Frank, 75
____ access to, 128, 131
____ album sales, 200
____ availability of, 7, 13, 111
____ breaking into, 134
____ capital markets in, 201
____ compulsory licensing rights to, 109
____ concentrated ownership of, 117
____ copies of, 130, 181
____ copyright law applied to, 3, 192-194, 254-255
____ digital composition of, 8-9, 96
____ distribution of, 119, 123-124, 127-129, 131, 200-202
____ growth of, 199-200
____ on jukeboxes, 109
____ lyric servers in, 124-126
____ MP3, 123-124, 125, 192-194, 201
____, 127-129, 133, 192
____ Napster and, _see_ Napster
____ new forms of, 9
____ in noncommercial broadcasting, 109
____ OLGA, 182-183
____ ownership of the artist in, 128
____ piano rolls, 108-9, 254
____ production of, 127
____ unregulated, 8, 127-129, 133, 192
Napster, 130-132, 194-196, 201, 254
____ and album sales, 200
____ bandwidth used by, 138
____ court shutdown of, 264, 265
____ firewalls against use of, 172-173
____ Hatch's views on, 262-263
____ as P2P technology, 135, 194, 258
National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), 55
National Parks Service, 231
National Research Council (NRC), 34-35, 40, 165-166, 176
Native American tribes, as sovereign nations, 81
NATs (network access technologies), 171-172
Naughton, John, 32, 33
navigable waterways, 87
NBC, and spectrum allocation, 74
NCSA Server, 55
Negroponte switch, 243
Net, _see_ Internet
Netscape Corporation, 55, 65
Netscape Navigator, 41
network access technologies (NATs), 171-172
network design, principles of, 34-35
____ access to, 34, 45, 155, 171-172, 244-246
____ ATM design of, 149
____ built by communities, 162
____ closed, 162
____ collision on, 77
____ control of, 150-151, 156-158
____ data transport provided by, 35, 36, 40
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